Thursday, December 29, 2011

Customized Viper Car Art | Artist Proofs with Custom Remarque

(noun) - A remarque is a small, personalized drawing or symbol that an artist adds (near his or her signature) on a print. The presence of a remarque increases the print's value.

Michael draws or paints a custom remarque, done to order for the client per their preferences on his Artist Proofs. Limited to only 20 per print edition, they are very rare, personal, and of course, a one-of-a-kind. 

Here are a couple of examples of what Michael has painted as the remarque for clients that purchased an  Artist Proofs with Custom Remarques on the Viper painting, "Dry Lake Snakes." Please excuse the quality of the  photographs, they are low resolution and poorly lit. The remarques, themselves are impeccable.

The "Spiderman Edition Viper" - there were only 2 of these built!
2008 Venom Red Convertible.
The client asked for the "top down"
Snakeskin Green Viper ... just beautiful!

Michael's Artist Proofs make an incredible gift, especially for those collectors that have 'everything!" Because they are so unique and personal, the lucky recipient knows you were thinking only of them. — Linda


  1. Wow its a very good painting of the cars, This is Customized Viper Car Art.

    kingston taxi

  2. Love The "Spiderman Edition Viper". Pretty Cool.
